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Radiology is a type of diagnostic or interventional imaging used to determine internal problems your pet is experiencing. The most common form of radiology used in clinic is an X-Ray, which helps us differentiate between hard and soft tissue to see bone breaks and masses or growths. 

Radiology  & Dental Radiology

We are equipped with up-to-date digital equipment for your pet’s radiologic needs. If your pet needs radiographs, you will have the opportunity to see results prior to leaving our clinic. We can also email radiographs for your pet so you may keep it for your records, or in the event referral is necessary. We also
can send the radiographs for a board certified radiologist to consult if needed.


Additionally, we have dental radiology equipment to use during our dental cleanings. This technology allows us to verify whether a tooth may be ill and require extraction. Furthermore, dental radiographs give us the opportunity to visualize each tooth’s root. This helps in situations where the tooth appears healthy on the outside but may actually have an ill root under the gum line.

Does your pet need imaging? 

Call us today to schedule an appointment and receive an estimate on your requested service. 

(352) 794-0001

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